NIDE is specializes in supplying various types of Custom Universal Motor Linear Shaft, which can be processed and customized. The company has advanced equipment, and actively introduces advanced technology equipment and management mode from Japan and Germany. The products are widely used in home appliances, cameras, computers, communications, automobiles, mechanical instruments, micro motors and other precision industries, and have established a relatively complete sales channel. The products are not only sold well in China, but also exported to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Europe and North America.
Read MoreLêpirsînê bişîninNIDE is specializes in supplying various types of Food Mixer Motor Shafts Linear Shaft, which can be processed and customized. The company has advanced equipment, and actively introduces advanced technology equipment and management mode from Japan and Germany. The products are widely used in home appliances, cameras, computers, communications, automobiles, mechanical instruments, micro motors and other precision industries, and have established a relatively complete sales channel. The products are not only sold well in China, but also exported to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Europe and North America.
Read MoreLêpirsînê bişîninNIDE di peydakirina cûrbecûr Şaftên Rêzik ên Stainless Steel de pispor e, ku dikarin bêne pêvajo kirin û xwerû. Pargîdanî xwedan alavên pêşkeftî ye, û bi çalak alavên teknolojiya pêşkeftî û moda rêveberiyê ji Japonya û Almanya destnîşan dike. Hilber bi berfirehî di alavên malê, kamerayan, komputeran, ragihandinê, otomobîl, amûrên mekanîkî, motorên mîkro û pîşesaziyên din ên rast de têne bikar anîn, û kanalek firotanê ya berbiçav ava kirine. Hilber ne tenê li Chinaînê baş têne firotin, lê di heman demê de ji Hong Kong, Taywan, Ewropa û Amerîkaya Bakur re jî têne şandin.
Read MoreLêpirsînê bişîninTîma NIDE dikare li gorî nexşe û nimûneyên xerîdar Motor Rotor Linear Shaft çêbike. Ger xerîdar tenê nimûne hebin, em dikarin ji xerîdarê xwe re xêzkirinê jî sêwirînin. Em di heman demê de karûbarê xwerû peyda dikin.
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